Shaykh Khalifa Al Tunaiji was born in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. He learnt the holy Qur'an at the City Center of Quran, learning at the hand of Shaykh Ghulam Hussain; he was only thirteen at the time. The Islamic preacher is also known for being one of the Qur'an reciters characterised with a strong singular voice.
He studied in Madinah at the hand of Shaykh Ibrahim Al-...
LagiKami komited untuk memberi khidmat percuma dalam pengluasan pengetahuan dan teknologi pembelajaran al-Quran ke seantaro dunia.
Peluang terbaik untuk amal yang berterusan (Sadaqa Jariyah). Melabur untuk Akhirat anda sebagai penderma bulanan (atau sekali).